Destined For Dreams by Ginna Moran
Publication Date: 12/1/2014
Seventeen-year-old Nadia Petrov is an outcast in her tight-knit community of people with special abilities. Nadia must invade people’s dreams to survive. She sneaks into sleeping victims’ rooms, slips into their heads, and then turns their dreams into horrifying nightmares.
When a new girl arrives at her compound, Nadia can’t resist giving the girl a nightmare. In the dream world, Nadia discovers Hunter Sullivan, a soul trapped in the girl’s mind. Intrigued by Hunter, Nadia secretly builds a relationship with him in the dream world, and they find solace through each other.
Unable to accept a love fated for dreams, Nadia must risk losing the safety of her community to help Hunter get back to his body before he’s lost forever.
Nadia's story was, at it's core, a romance but I don't think anyone could put this book in to a single category. It was mysterious, lyrical and romantic with a dash of action that kept me flipping the pages.
The concept of DESTINED FOR DREAMS was so unlike anything I've ever read or even heard of before, making it a must-read on my forever growing TBR. Then, as luck would have it, a review tour popped up in my emails and I had no excuse to not read it. I jumped at the chance! This story had so much potential and it was written really well, hence my 3.5 star rating. There were a few things I would have liked to be different, but I'll get to that. I really enjoyed the majority of this one.
The characters were very easy to invest in to. With multiple points of view it can be difficult to keep up with each character's thoughts and feelings but it really wasn't hard at all. Nadia was strong and unwilling to harm anyone on purpose. I really felt her struggle between seeing Hunter and hurting Jacqueline, the author made this very easy to connect to.
Jacqueline was hard to like at first but as I learnt more about her situation, I started to sympathise and understand a great deal more. This was a perfect example of good character development and how it should be carried out.
Hunter was harder to like for me up until the last 25%. He came off as a tad malicious towards Jacqueline when his predicament was almost entirely the HPA's wrong doing and not her own. He definitely redeemed himself towards the end proving that he wanted to do right by the 'Supers'.
The pacing was the main thing I think could be improved. Sometimes things went so fast I barely had time to blink and others I was scanning the page for dialogue, having to stop myself because I skipped a whole page or two, and go back to reread them because I'd zoned out. There needed to be a sort of middle ground.
This pacing issue also meant that the budding romance between Nadia and Hunter started off a little... jittery. As in, the feelings came too fast and weaved in and out between the action and other more important things that should have been the main focus. I enjoyed the romance aspect nevertheless because, with everything going on in the background, what do you expect? A smooth relationship transition? Nope.
Overall this was an easy, quick read with the right balance of romance, action and the need to get my hands on the second book. I look forward to reading more about these characters!
*This book was given to me free of charge for review purposes. This in no way affects my review.
Ginna Moran is a writer living in Austin, Texas but originally from Southern California. She started writing poetry as a teenager in a spiral notebook that she still has tucked away on her desk today. Her love of writing grew after she graduated high school and she completed her first unpublished manuscript at age eighteen.
When she realized her love of writing was her life's passion, she studied literature at Mira Costa College in Northern San Diego. Besides writing novels, she was senior editor, content manager, and image coordinator for Crescent House Publishing Inc. for four years.
Aside from Ginna's professional life, she enjoys binge watching television shows, playing pretend with her daughter, and cuddling with her dogs. Some of her favorite things include chocolate, anything that glitters, cheesy jokes, and organizing her bookshelf.
Ginna is currently hard at work on her next novel.
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Thanks so much for this great review!