Thursday, 19 February 2015

Life of a Blogger: Organization

Life of a Blogger is hosted by Novel Heartbeat, where we talk about stuff once a week related to the book blogger itself.

This week's topic is: Organization!

It took me a bit of time to think of how I should word this post, especially since there's a lot that I could talk about that's related to organization. But, you know, since this is a book blog I feel like I should focus more on that.

When it comes to bookshelves, I don't really have a sort of specific way on how I organize them. I know there are people who organize them by color (shelving them in a way that creates a rainbow or just placing all like colored covers together, etc), by height, paperback/ hardback, author... the options are endless. I guess I do go a little bit by book height cause I try to maximize the limited amount of space I have with my bookshelves. Other than that, though, they just sit there and look pretty til I finally get to reading them.

Some of them aren't on the shelf, though- mostly the recent books I've gotten and the stack of ARCs I'm hoping to get rid of soon. c: I should remedy that soon. I also now have a media shelf for my TV shows (this counts as a bookish thing- I see many people running blogs chatting about TV shows so it's officially a thing!) right next to my desk. I have a fairly nice set up right now. I'm fairly happy about that. c:

How do you guys organize your books?

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