Wednesday, 1 October 2014


So Bookbridgr, this amazing website that offers review copies to book bloggers in the UK, are putting bookshops in the spotlight. I think this is wonderful idea - where would we be without all of the lovely bookshops whether they be on the streets or online? I mean I know money can't buy happiness but money can buy books and... isn't that the same thing?

There aren't many independent bookshops in the town where I live but we do have one, it's called Bookaholics  and it carries a whole load of used books. It's a lovely place and the owner is very kind! Unfortunately, considering I live in a very small town in the East Midlands in the UK there is no photo online of this little bookshop. I'll definitely tweet a photo of it when I get the chance to take one because, like I said, it's a very nice place. I wish it and the owner all the best - keep physical books alive!

We do have a WHSmith here too and a couple of Waterstones's around the area. Waterstones is my absolute favourite store! I can literally spend hours in there just looking at all the books, just released, popular or something totally new. I find myself huddling against the Teen Fiction/Young Adult bookcase and picking up book after book to read the synopsis. It may look a little strange but I don't care; there is nothing better than being surrounded by something you love. For me, that is books. ROWS AND ROWS AND ROWS OF BOOKS!

What's your favourite bookshop to visit? Are there any cutesy independent book stores near you? Leave a comment or tweet me @CosyUpWithBooks using the hashtag #ThisBookshop :)

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