Tuesday, 2 February 2016

January 2016 Wrap-Up

January 2016 Wrap-Up


There wasn't much action that happened in this blog, embarrassingly enough. Most of this is due to the fact that I didn't read at all this month. At the most I've managed to read halfway through Shadows by Robin McKinley but, otherwise, not much reading has occurred. I'm mostly bummed because this means no book reviews to share. : /

I'm thinking that, by remedying this next month, I could do mini reviews on some of the book samplers that I receive from NetGalley. They would be quick and simple and, hopefully, it'll help those that are on the fence on some of the newer book releases coming up. Let me know if you'd like that. c:

In the meanwhile, here's my roundup for what posts that did pop up this month:

My Top Ten Tuesdays:

My Waiting on Wednesdays:

Book Reviews:

Stacking the Shelves:

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